Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Top Six Things That Bugged Me About List Night's Real Housewives of New York Reunion

Full Disclosure:

This was my first (and last) season watching the Real Housewives of New York, so I did miss the glory years of Bethenny Frankel and I guess when the show was not all the women fighting with each other and pimping out their products and crazy contrived trips to Morocco. Alas, the season is dunzo and what better way than to go out with the grande dame of screaming matches that was this reunion special. Okay actually, there are much better ways to go out than what went down over the past two weeks. Last night bugged me to death so much so that mid way through I found flossing my teeth a better way to use my time. Here are the six things that bugged me about last night's reunion.

6. "The Supersized Reunion Special"
Supersized? Like really? Are the housewives a Big Mac now? I'm trying to cut Big Macs out of my diet! I will continue to watch other Housewives series like Atlanta, Beverly Hills and the rest of New Jersey only if it to doesn't cause me to floss, but I certainly can not sit through the reunion specials if they are this dragged out and uneventful. Well because of that and the next thing

5. Andy Cohen
Really Andy? Really? Why do you always pick the obvious questions. And why are so many haters of the show sending in angry questions? And why are those the only ones you pick? We get it, you are beyond over this crop of ladies. Take that out, by I don't know, nixing the reunion special instead of making it eight years long! And while you're at it, stop hosting the reunion shows.

4. Blondes vs. Brunettes
This whole blonde vs. brunettes is just a cheap way to create instant drama. The Blondes and Brunettes are the same! Alex and Kelly: Same Person! Ramona and Jill: Sooo the same Person! Sonja is way to fun however to be the same person as the Countess and well, Cindy wasn't on the show enough to earn a comparison. Sorry hun, I really do like you though.

3. Alex McCord
Alex, Shut the Fuck Up! It's great that you finally grew a pair, but it's not enough to have them, you need to learn how to use them. Butting in on everything is not how you use them. I have to agree with Kelly, you were cracked out tonight! And as far as being an actor: bitch please! I liked you until tonight.

2. Ramona Singer
Oh, Ramona. Where to begin. How about your double standards and hypocrisy when it comes to everything! And how about being really low and dirty. It wasn't enough to go in on LuAnn's kids and marriage but to try to out Jill as an alcoholic? Diverting the question being asked of you and pointing it on someone else is called denial, a sign of addiction, btw. And those stretches you did? Could you not wait until a break? America did not need to see that, just like that X-rated episode with you and Mario and Alex and Simon. For that one, Bravo and Andy Cohen should be ashamed of themselves. And Finally,

1. Bethenny Frankel
Bethenny does not bother me. I love Bethenny Frankel. She's like my favorite person. But why are we bringing Bethenny up every two seconds. It's so obvious that this show still needs her, and if you wanted her in the middle of the plot lines so damn much, you should have never gave her own spinoff and you should have never let her leave the show! Bethenny is gone now mixing up her Skinnygirl drinks. Let her drink them in peace, and while we're at it someone please get me one. I need it!

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